Why online Big Data will save us from the uncertainty of the future.

Using online data is critical to meeting the new challenges ahead.

Already in a “normal” environment, companies face complex challenges based on uncertainty. 

Every decision that is made has uncertain outcomes. 

But today we are in a true V.I.C.A. context of extreme Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity.

EMPLOYERS try to face the uncertain future by looking for fixed points, relying on established processes, hierarchies and precise rules. 

It seems that any element in the company is aimed at standardization and reducing uncertainty.

Companies reason with annual plans, and in “normal” contexts, deviations from budgets are minimal and corrective actions to be taken are rare and usually small. 

Today in such turbulent environments, it is anachronistic to think about periodic reviews of the Business Plan. 

No longer do you just need a plan to which you strictly adhere. 

You must understand market changes before others do and be able to respond promptly.

Some companies, even structured ones, try to shed their skin and act as startups to shorten decision-making processes, reduce time to market, and move from evaluation to action.

But the new scenario we are facing has forever changed the rules we were used to and the traditional way of working, and making decisions is proving increasingly difficult.

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Today, the reliability of forecasts is constantly affected by the speed and size of changes. 

The information you have, which you may consider good, clear, and reliable, increasingly turns out to be wrong.

Companies today need a new management model. The timeless “we’ve always done it this way” in the new normal no longer works.

In this new scenario you have to continuously learn the skills you need at the time you seek them, to have the flexibility you need as the market evolves.

Because of this umpteenth crisis, many companies are struggling for survival. 

High global uncertainty and invisible correlations between countries, Sectors, Companies, trigger cascading effects that are even more serious.

In this new scenario, entrepreneurs must have both the courage and the humility to question their thinking and the very initial assumptions that led them to where they are today.

To meet and overcome these new challenges, new skills must be developed to work under conditions of high uncertainty.

Hear what entrepreneurs who have already experienced what it means to use Big Data in their business think about it.

Entrepreneurs can no longer make decisions based only on their own opinions.

Initial assumptions, personal opinions should yes be considered, but they should be constantly questioned, reevaluated. 

Today there are many sources of Data that can confirm or invalidate them and give rise to a virtuous circle of continuous learning. 

Find out how you can get the Data you need at the time you need it!

Confusing, conflicting, and ever-changing information can cause entrepreneurs not to decide or worse to procrastinate decisions. 

Deciding late TODAY, still means Deciding!

Imagine having the ground collapse under your feet. You can’t sit still; you have to run. To decide not to act is to agree to precipitate.

You have to act with the resources you have, the information you have, and adapt quickly to change. 

The biggest risk now is to be isolated. 

This is the new normal, you have to think long term, there is no vaccine that can bring everything back to that distant January 2020.

To act in high uncertainty contexts for a long period, you must be willing to change your way of working and thinking quickly.

You need “new sensors” that can inform you promptly at the slightest change, so that you can act in advance instead of trying to react to events.

The sensors I am talking about are Big Data online. 

The Data to be continuously monitored will change, but the importance of monitoring and early warning remains a critical determinant of success. 

You must pick up on weak signals, and at the first changes you must be adept at interpreting the change and act quickly with precise actions.

There is a need for holistic supervision that constantly scans the 360-degree scenario.

Everyone’s input is needed; this new information must be shared, available, transparent and understandable by everyone in the company. 

Need to democratize Data.

Today, more than yesterday, quick decisions are needed but also the courage to question the status quo and be ready for radical changes.

You have to think and act in a completely new way.

You need to quickly analyze the new scenario, understand the implications that might impact your Business, promptly assess how they might evolve, and prepare to act accordingly.

It is no longer the time for opinions, for “in my opinion,” you have to learn quickly through updated, customized, heterogeneous Data that can simplify and describe a changing and complex scenario.

To make the best decision you need new skills, up-to-date and relevant Data, constant support from Experts, and discussions with entrepreneurs and managers in other industries who can give you key information in this context.

You need to grow internal skills because everyone’s input is needed in this context. 

Learn to question everything, bring Data to support your choices. 

This is an unprecedented context so you have to take extra-ordinary actions that in a “normal” context you would probably be inclined to put off. 

Today you can no longer afford it. There is no more time!

Online Big Data can help you make quick and practical decisions.

Learn to feel comfortable in this context of uncertainty by basing your decisions on the Data; if you don’t do it this go-round, there won’t be a second time…

We will never return to “normalcy” again. 

P.S: More than a transformation, an evolution is needed. 

You need a new culture of continuous exploration, experimentation, measurement and adaptation, only then can you take advantage and find new opportunities amidst the chaos.

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