Online market research? This is the CMI method of analysis!

Companies & market research: benefits and ways of analysis signed Central Marketing Intelligence.

If you are looking for an agency to whom you can entrust a market analysis stop for a moment and try to ask yourself whether traditional market research is the right tool to achieve your goal.

Yeah, what is your goal? This may seem like a trivial question, but I assure you it is not. If your goal is just to get a static and superficial overview of your target market, then you may choose to commission conventional market research and wait for your chosen agency to deliver it to you.

Did you know that when talking about traditional research, one of the top marketing experts like Philip Kotler said verbatim:

“Running a business using market research is like driving a car blindfolded following the directions of someone looking out the back window.”

Fortunately, you have the opportunity to conduct your business safely because you can choose to get clear and immediately operational answers. How. Through big data and online market research.

In the next few lines, you will discover that the difference between online and traditional research is not only in the survey instruments (online data instead of survey responses or telephone interviews) but mostly in the results.

Because instead of the static overviews offered by the limited samples of surveys, focus groups or pre-packaged, one-size-fits-all industry reports, online market research intercepts the real online behaviors of target customers and competitors, ensuring reliable, real-time updated, customized and independent data.

It changes everything. Everything.

We at Central Marketing Intelligence (CMI) relate daily with Entrepreneurs and Managers from different sectors and we have realized that each of them has their own unique way of observing: there are those who tend to have an overall view and those who are more attracted to details.

Those who focus on the details often completely lose sight of the big picture. Conversely, others look at the highest systems but do not grasp the elements that govern them.

Either way you lose something!

When doing aMarket Analysis should you start with the details or the big picture?

Imagine taking a picture from Space. To see the photo sharply you need lots of pixels!

But if you look at the detail of each individual pixel, you see nothing, however, if you look at the photo from the right distance, you clearly see the image portrayed.

In short, the more pixels you have, the more you can zoom into an area of the photo to go deeper into what you are interested in.

We can do the same with Big Data online.

The point is, without first having a clear and simple overview, you lose the ability to grasp the details that make a difference!

It is no coincidence that, according to Italian managers having strategic thinking and overview is the main skill to be developed.

Finding and analyzing Data today is vital, but it is also necessary to know how to connect them together in an overview, within a broader and dynamic strategy that can adapt to changes

So you need a Method that incorporates both the results from an overview, but also provides you with the fine details.

A system that can handle multiple levels of depth at the same time, give you control over dozens of different Data sources and save you time in making decisions, give you confidence in what you are looking for, and most importantly, make your job easier.

Not just any method, but The CMI Method-that is, what allows you to look at a picture of your company and your industry from a whole new perspective than you are used to in your everyday life.

But let’s find out more about the CMI Method…

Where to find market data? Difference between old school and new school.

CMI market research and analysis

One of the most important differences between traditional market research and our CMI Method is the source of information from which it is drawn.

On the subject of sources, classic survey methods target a small sample of usersis using surveys, interviews and focus groups.

Even assuming that the sample taken is representative, as you can well imagine, these methods are quite imprecise and, more importantly, can never return completely unbiased results because they are “flawed” by the interviewers’ questions, the timing of the clients’ responses, etc. imprecise and unable to intercept all the information useful to carry out an comprehensive and efficient research.

Not surprisingly, at CMI we do not conduct surveys but online market research through big data.

What is the purpose of market surveys?

Our market research firm analyzes millions of online Big Data from a variety of sources, including inhomogeneous sources, to identify

  • interest trends
  • research volumes actual
  • Amazon sales data
  • mentions and sentiment on social media, blogs and forums
  • actions of the competition
Online market research with tools and software

The 4 areas our market research focuses on.

A typical market research conducted using our Market X-Ray method collects, processes, and analyzes online Big Data concerning the macro areas presented below:

  1. Market and trends, in order to understand market and consumer trends and tendencies. The research allows us to analyze the data in real time and provide companies with important advice regarding Business and marketing strategies that would be appropriate. Our clients can also set clear goals and draw up specific plans to set themselves apart from the competition.
  2. Competition. Competitor analysis (competitor analysis) is essential to learn from competitors’ wins and mistakes, plan successful strategies, and learn more about target customers.
  3. Target customers, to identify target customers, understand what their interests, desires, and topics they value most. Listening to target customers and understanding their needs is essential if you want to stand out in your target market.
  4. Brand image. Having an external and objective point of view allows you to know your brand’s strengths, mistakes and problems. Our software allows us to understand what people really think about your brand based on what they express publicly on the web and social media. This awareness enables you to plan effective business and marketing strategies aimed at achieving the approval of target customers based on their expressed needs.

Let’s look at them in detail.

Watch the video and learn how to make strategic decisions

Research on industry trends.

Everyone knows the current trends in their industry, but how many can predict those 6 months or a year from now? Not surprisingly, predictivity is one of the strengths of online data analysis.

Let’s start by saying that we can determine the seasonality of products or services based on demand and, from this data, investigate its evolution over the past 10 or even 15 years.

While analyzing the historical is a great starting point for understanding the future, this approach helps you define what themes are most sought after at any given time of the year. New technologies, new products, and many other insights that will enable you to identify in advance when a trend is about to go bye-bye and understand the evolution of the market in the short term.

Analysis of online search volumes for products or services.

Search volume is a metric that tells us how many times a month users search for a particular word via search engines.

Search volumes are therefore indispensable data for understanding what your potential customers are looking for, to what extent they do so, and thus being able to evaluate how to propose your products and services.

We at CMI perform an analysis of all keywords and their variants (through algorithms we have developed specifically) so that you can understand everything people want to find.

For example, we can answer these and many other questions:

  • How many people are looking for a price?
  • How many users are searching for a product?
  • Within those searches are there related products?
  • Which products are most relevant in your market (and therefore which ones to push the most)?
  • What products are less known (and how should you go about it)?
  • Which products should be highlighted most prominently in marketing messages (and how to do so)?
  • What are the most visible competitors and brands, so what is the Google visibility share in your industry?

The answers to these questions will enable you to consciously establish your Business goals and study significantly better marketing strategies than you have been using up to this point.

Selling on Amazon by understanding (in advance) how to move.

If you are selling your products on Amazon or are thinking of doing so, we can help you by identifying all user searches related to your area of interest and segmenting them by product/period of time or other variables that help you understand the real chances of your products’ success on the largest marketplace globally and the tricks to take on the fly to

Through this analysis you will be able to find out:

  • which products have the most searches (and how much that number is worth) compared to others;
  • Whether people know which brand they want to buy for a particular product category.
  • the average amount of products purchased by users, so they can choose whether to sell a single product or evaluate an offer consisting of multiple products.

And so much more…

Social media, blogs and forums: so you can understand what people are talking about online.

What can we understand from the large amount of useful data extracted and analyzed in this area?
The information we get depends mainly on your company’s needs, but here are a few examples:

  • We can reveal to you what topics are most discussed and searched for, the variations in interest at different times of the year, how positively or negatively people talk about certain topics.
  • We have the ability to show you what people think about very specific topics.
  • We can find opinions about competitors or those about your brand regarding specific issues in order to improve certain products.
  • We obtain information regarding what users write about one of your products manifesting a problem, so that you can take steps to remedy it with an appropriate solution.

Having this and other information available to you enables you to improve your goals, your products, and communicate better with your customers.

Competitive analysis.

With an investigation of Big Data online, we can scientifically study competitors and their visibility .

For each competitor we go to see how “visible” he is on Google, what searches lead to his site, how he is talked about on social media or forums in general.

Just through social, we can figure out who among your competitors is using a certain channel better and for each one record what results they are getting.

We don’t just look at how many followers your competitors have on social, we also provide a way to find out who your competitors are getting the most audience . We can show you who you should take a cue from and tell you why they are getting results.

At the end we summarize all the results to give you an overall picture, making it easy and clear to understand the actions to be taken to improve.

Scopri i risultati dei tuoi concorrenti online con i nostri Report Concorrenza

What to expect from online market research?

Through market research, companies can define their strengths and weaknesses and identify opportunities and threats in their market. This is not abstract or inapplicable information but data that concretely contributes to empowerment:

  • ROI
  • Profits
  • Brand awareness
  • Brand reputation
  • Stakeholder, customer, and employee relations

Read also: How much does market research cost? Prices and methods of the best market surveys

Why choose market analysis signed Central Marketing Intelligence?

The answer is very simple. Because our method enables you to obtain information that would otherwise be impossible to decipher.

There is more…

Because we are not content to “package” this information for you but always ask how you might use it to your advantage, and proactively offer our suggestions for how you might do so. Not surprisingly, they are actionable searches.

In conclusion

It is good to know that market research with big data is useful not only for large companies but also for SMEs and start-ups. It is precisely because of these that they can play a key role in the launch phase of a brand, product or business project. Starting off on the right foot is important, isn’t it?

If you have realized that a traditional market analysis is not sufficient for your goals and you want to get truly actionable market research, Contact Us now.

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