Market research, what it is and what are the differences with marketing research

Cosa sono le ricerche di mercato

Market research is a unique opportunity to better develop your business strategies, not just in marketing.

What is market research? Is there a distinction between market analysis and marketing research?

If you are an entrepreneur or manager and you rack your brains to find solutions to improve your business or that of the company you work for, it is entirely plausible that you have come across these questions.

Well, know that it’s perfectly normal for you to have questions about that. Many people like you have contacted our market research agency over the years asking the same things.

And it is precisely because of the importance of this research in the business world that we are keen to clarify it for you in this article, at the end of which you will realize the incredible potential you can have access to if you make the right moves!

Marketing research is used to develop a strategy

Is there really a difference between market research and marketing research?

Let’s immediately dispel this Hamletic doubt that has most likely plagued you so far and do it directly and concisely: making a distinction between market research and marketing research makes no sense.

The reason is soon explained!

Marketing research is not a separate entity, but is part of all those different types of market research that you can perform depending on what your goals are.

In fact, by the term “market research” is meant all those explorations that are necessary to extrapolate information about trends in a particular industry. But such a general definition obviously gives you no way of guessing their real importance.

In practical terms, market research is critical for you, entrepreneur 2.0, if you want to drive your business in an informed way and by leveraging accurate and reliable data.

Are you in the process of starting a marketing campaign?

The results that emerge from marketing-driven market research enable you to structure it in the best way possible for a particular product or service.

Do you need to develop a business strategy?

Before doing so you will necessarily have to consider feedback to help you understand whether it makes sense, for example, to enter one country rather than another or whether it is appropriate to target certain products.

Thus, there is no difference except of objectives.

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Here, defining goals is the first step you need to think about the moment you turn to professionals in this field like us at Central Marketing Intelligence. In fact, the clarity of the goals you set for yourself actually lays the groundwork for market research to give useful feedback to the cause.

But let’s see what all you can get out of this type of action.

After all, that’s what you’re here for, right?

Market research enables business goals to be accomplished

What is the purpose of market research?

In the past, companies relied on methods with imposing limitations, such as random surveys. The information that came out of these surveys was completely unreliable because it was obtained from a limited number of people and without great levels of filtering.

On the contrary, in the age of the Internet, it is possible to exploit an immense amount of data that users themselves put into the network. We talk about continually updated data that agencies like ours then go out and explore to get answers that can translate into useful results for our clients.

Using state-of-the-art tools and software, we have access to international databases and can access a variety of data.

In fact, thanks to big data we are able to understand what people are searching for on search engines, monitor how trends are changing, and thus we can literally get inside people’s heads thanks to the information they themselves provide to the network.

Watch the video and learn how to make strategic decisions

Think for a moment about the value constituted by knowing exactly what your actual and potential customers want to buy.

You understand that this is a colossal opportunity, right?

Precisely in this regard, with market research we are able to study and quantify a website’s traffic, track people’s movements between sites, and verify their behaviors and opinions on social networks. And this kind of knowledge is not only used to delineate your actions based on users but also based on what your competitors are doing.

Within market research you can conduct acompetitive analysis aimed at discovering your rivals’ strengths and weaknesses.

And the great power of big data-based research is that it is not based on a partial view but a total, reliable and constantly updated one!

Read also: Big data analysis: collecting and analyzing it to make better choices

CMI’s market research: an extra weapon for your business!

You may have realized that coming into possession of such knowledge is not the same as having a crystal ball, but it is close! Especially if the people who do the market research for your company know what they are doing.

We at Central Marketing Intelligence have one philosophy: turn data into results for our clients!

To do this we have the best software and a team that specializes in data analysis. In fact, it is not enough to have access to data in order to win, but it is necessary to put it together, study it, and result in clear and precise answers to be provided to you, so that your needs can be met.

So, are you ready to tap the immense potential of our market research?



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